The Bible: Going Even Deeper

The courses and book described here are for those who want to delve deep into the Bible.


Lecture 1: Introduction to Hermeneutics (Part 1)

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This presentation is actually not a video but rather audio-only. That said, it provides a quality introduction to biblical interpretation, showing how the Bible is unified as one story of salvation. It addresses issues such as inspiration, the variety of genres represented by books of the Bible and how to read a book based on its genre, and how God’s self-revelation progresses through Scripture.

Revelation - Featuring Dr. Robert Mulholland

 Note that you have to set up a free account with Biblical Training before you can access Biblical Training’s excellent resources.

This class comprises a series of 23 lectures—an entire seminary course by a brilliant New Testament scholar. Each lecture lasts between 70 and 90 minutes.

This is a big investment of time for people who want to make sense of the book of Revelation from a scholarly point of view. Mulholland interprets Revelation by explaining how the images in the book come from popular culture of the time; the Apostle John's readers would have been familiar with the imagery in the book and known what John was talking about, but the images are not familiar to us. So we need to see how a first century reader would have understood the book of Revelation. Then we can better comprehend what God is saying to us now through the book.


Shaped by the Word: The Power of Scripture in Spiritual Formation, by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.

Shaped by the Word talks about how to read the Bible for spiritual formation. Mulholland contrasts informational reading (reading to be informed and to use the text for some personal purpose) with formational reading (reading to be spiritually formed by letting the biblical text take charge of you). This excellent book can open up a whole new way of reading scripture.