Sunday KidZone!

Sunday KidZone is our Sunday morning children's church. While the grown-ups are worshipping upstairs on Sundays, our goal downstairs in the Sunday KidZone is to continue to move every child towards Jesus just like we do upstairs. Teachers and staff partner with parents to help children grow in their understanding and love for Jesus while connecting and ministering to each other. Our prayer each week is that the Holy Spirit would come and move within our classrooms and in the lives of all of our families.
Check out more info about each of our classrooms below!
Sunday KidZone Policies:
Secure drop off and pick up for families
When you arrive on Sunday mornings, you'll check your child in with our Principal of the Day (or "P.O.D." for short). After you receive your child's name tag sticker and your unique 3-character check-out code, you can feel free to walk your kids to their classroom and meet their teacher. Don't lose that check-out sticker! During service, we will use this code to notify you if your child needs you and you'll also turn it in to the teacher when you check your child out after service.
Sick Kids Policy:
Our health guidelines in the Sunday KidZone are the same as the rest of the church. See VCC's Sick Kids Policy. If you have any questions about our guidelines in the KidZone or at VCC, don't hesitate to reach out to Emily McCall, our Pastor of Equipping & Operations.
Serving Opportunities
Find KidZone Serving Schedules
Have you considered serving with VCC Kids? The Bible tells us in 1 Peter chapter 4 that using our gifts for the Lord's work brings Him glory. And the 78th Psalm instructs us to proclaim the testimony of God to the coming generation. Visit our serving page to learn more.
Additional Resources:
Looking for some awesome books, podcasts, activities or worship songs (recorded by our very own members!) to do at home with the kids? Check out these extra resources, compiled by our Children's and Family Ministry Leader Jill Campo.