
Get connected at VCC by serving on a team!

Why we serve:

Why serve at VCC?

At the Vineyard, we believe that "Everybody Gets to Play." As a church family, we don't just show up to receive ministry from a special few, we ALL take part in ministering to each other! That also means we all pitch in to do the work that needs to be done. There are so many benefits to serving (it's fun!), but ultimately we serve because that's what Jesus does (Matt. 20:28).

Check out all of our serving teams and let us know where you'd like to join in! Our volunteers serve once a month on most teams

Serving Opportunities:

Sunday Morning Children's Ministry:

Children's Ministry is by far our biggest need. We'd love to have you down in the KidZone sometime just to check it out!

Volunteers serve once a month, unless otherwise indicated.


Nursery volunteers assist a paid babysitter each week to care for the youngest kids (birth - 2 years) at VCC. Bonus: there's a TV in the nursery that livestreams the service!

Full Team: 5

Have: 3

Preschool Teacher:

Preschool teachers provide a structured environment each Sunday so kids (ages 2-5) can grow in their understanding and love for Jesus. All supplies and activities are prepped for you, so you can show up on Sunday morning to lead the class in play time, worship (currently via YouTube), Jesus story time, and a craft.

Full Team: 3

Have: 2

Preschool Assistant:

There are a lot of wonderful little ones with a lot of wonderful energy! Ideally, we'd have 2 assistants in addition to the teacher each week to keep all that energy corralled in a good way.

Full Team: 10

Have: 8

Elementary Assistants:

Elementary assistants serve in either the K-1st or 2nd-5th classrooms. They engage with students in worship, craft, and lessons on Sunday mornings. They also support the teacher in any way possible. There is no prep before Sunday service - you can just show up and serve! If you have a preference on grade level, just let us know!

Full Team: 8

Have: 7

Elementary Teacher:

We're so excited to have a space for our Elementary kids to have a place to connect with one another and God. Teachers connect with the kids and also help them connect to truth about God. The lesson, supplies and activities are prepped each week, but teachers need to read and engage with the lesson prior to Sunday morning to be ready to teach.

Full Team: 8

Have: 4

Principal of the Day:

"PODs" welcome parents and kids as they arrive and get them checked in to their classes. PODs set up the technology, sign kids in, run reports for the classes, and work to replace any teachers or assistants who couldn't make it.

Full Team: 5

Have: 4

Other Sunday Morning Teams:

Servers on these teams serve once a month.

Point Person:

Helps coordinate and manage all the moving parts and people that help to bring Sunday to life.

Full Team: 5

Have: 3

Tech Team: Livestream:

Ever done a YouTube live? Or played around with video equipment? We'd love to teach you how to run the livestream for the service.

Full Team: 5

Have: 4

Tech Team: Sound

If you have a good ear, we can teach you to run the sound board for the service. (Includes attending worship practice during the week in addition to Sunday morning.)

Full Team: 5

Have: 4

Coffee & Tea Service:

These servers arrive at 9:15am, make the coffee, set out the tea and water and clean up afterward.

Full Team: 10

Have: 7

Tech Team: Visuals (Overheads):

Get everything ready to show on the screen and advance the slides during worship.

Full Team: 5

Have: 6


Greet members at the door and welcome our visitors.

Full Team: 5

Have: 6

Worship Team

This team requires an audition. If you have musical ability and want to contribute to worship, let us know!

Non-Sunday Opportunities:

Babysitting Volunteer:

Our small groups, classes and events need your help!! We are critically low on paid babysitters and would love to have some kind-hearted volunteers to fill the gap. Would you be available to babysit the littlest of our members once a month or less so parents could attend a small group or event? You would be put on a list to be called when we have a need and serve as you are available.

Would love to have: 8

Have: 0

Youth Group:

Even though they don't meet on Sundays, we don't want to forget about our amazing Youth Group. Find out what is needed by checking "Youth Group" on the serving form and someone will contact you to chat about it!

Full Team: 5

Have: 5

Serving others