Creatives Group

For anyone who wants to use their creative gifts for God. Next meeting: Monday, July 22 at 7pm.

Creatives Group

Next meeting: Monday, July 22.

Terri Bleaker from Table of Grace Vineyard hosts this monthly Creatives Group here at VCC to help anyone use their creative gifts for the glory of God. Beginning January of 2024, the group will be going through the book, "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.

Meeting the last Monday of the month.

This is an interdenominational group for creatives of all practices: writing, performing, art, crafting, cooking, knitting, whatever! Creativity is best nurtured and practiced together with our faith. The two are meant to fuel one another. We will be exploring what it means to be both a Christian and a creative through conversation and looking at the Bible as well as other texts. To be clear, this is not a crafters group or an art making group. 

No need to RSVP. There is no childcare for this group.