Holiday Giving Opportunities 2023

Share God's love this season. La Viña Student Sponsorship - through Dec. 31!

Holiday Giving Opportunities

We have three opportunities to share God's love with people in different partner organizations: Food Boxes for refugees through Oasis International, Stocking Stuffers for our Waymakers friends in early December, and then sponsoring students at La Vina School in Nicaragua.

Pray about and give to where you feel drawn to participate.

  • Completed: Oasis Feed the Nations (food box drive) - see below!
  • Completed: Waymakers Stuff-a-Stocking - gifts being delivered Sunday, Dec. 17!
  • Dec 10 - Dec 31: La Viña Student Sponsorship

La Viña Student Sponsorship

Through Dec. 31

Each year, we partner with The Global Village Project (TGVP) to sponsor students at La Vina (The Vineyard) School and Church in Bluefields, Nicaragua. As 2023 wraps up, would you consider sponsoring a student to attend school there for 2024? The cost to sponsor a child for the school year is $100, which covers teacher costs, supplies, uniform, and lunch each day for this child. You can donate any amount you feel led to give, and it will go towards the sponsorships. TGVP is a 501c3 non-profit so all donations are tax deductible. You will receive your tax receipt via email direct from TGVP.

Learn more about La vina Student Sponsorship

COMPLETE: Waymakers Stuff-a-stocking

Stocking Stuffers in bags decorated by KidZone!

Thank you to everyone who stuffed a stocking for a Waymaker friend!! Our gifts will be delivered to 34 Waymaker friends at their Christmas celebration on Sunday, December 17 (in bags decorated by our KidZone Elementary.) We'll share some photos if we get them!!

Let's share some joy with our friends at the Waymakers Chapel for the Exceptional by stuffing a stocking for each of them! Sign up for one of our 35 Waymakers friends on the button below and stuff your stocking in the Lobby by December 10.

  • Sign up for a person online.
  • Each Waymaker has listed some gift ideas (but you don't need to get everything on their idea list)
  • Shop for your stocking stuffers
  • Please keep gifts to $20-$25. (We know some of you have generous hearts and want to give more than that, but please stay within the limit. Our Waymakers friends struggle with fairness when they see others opening very generous gifts)
  • Bring in your stocking stuffer to church by December 10 and stuff their stocking on the wall in the lobby.

COMPLETE: Oasis Feed The Nations Food Box Drive

TOGETHER we packed these huge food boxes for 5 refugee families in St. Louis! Our boxes will be delivered by people in our church before Thanksgiving. Be praying for those deliveries and deliverers! That the families would experience the love of Jesus through our practical service to them.

Stories from deliveries:

  • Erinn Stevens: "This family was so lovely and full of gratitude for all things. And this OASIS delivery solidified a very valuable lesson… I need to make my deliveries earlier in the day because they always invite me in and make me Turkish coffee and now I’m so wired I don’t think I will sleep tonight lol."
  • Jeff Brasier delivered to a family who had just had a baby! He invited their family over to celebrate Thanksgiving with them and they might come! :)
One of the completed boxes waiting for delivery to a refugee family.