Intercessory Prayer Group

Praying and interceding for the church and the lost. Next Meeting: March 23.

Intercessory Prayer Group

Upcoming Meetings:

  • March 23 - Meeting at Emily Pettersen's home
  • April 13 - Meeting at VCC
  • April 27 - Meeting at Emily Pettersen's home

Leader: Alicia Johnson

Day & Time: 2 times per month, 3:30-5pm

Contact: Alicia, (CCB login required) or contact the office.


2nd Sunday of the month - Meeting at VCC.

4th Sunday of the month - Meeting at Emily Pettersen's home

The Group's Focus

Praying and interceding for the church and the lost.

Why People Love This Group

People love coming together in one Spirit, entering into the Father's presence, and praying together for the things that are on His heart.

If you'd like to visit...

Contact Alicia, (CCB login required)


Childcare is available for this group. Please RSVP for childcare by the Thursday before.

More Information

For more information Contact Alicia, (CCB login required)