"The Letters of John" Meetups

Meetup with us to discuss the letters of John. Tuesday evenings this summer. Last meeting: Sept 3

“Letters of John" Meetup!

Summer is all about embracing the laid-back, relaxed atmosphere of BBQs, poolside chats, and float trips. Keeping with the summer vibes, we’re starting a new series studying the shortest books of the bible, The Letters of John. Fun fact: 2nd and 3rd John are the shortest books in the Bible, with 2nd John at 245 words and 3rd John at only 219 words.

Summer is also the perfect time to hang out. And because we believe that sharing about what we're learning not only grows everyone's understanding about scripture it grows our connections with each other. So, along with the new series we are hosting a weekly meetup to chat about the Letters of John.

Join us on Tuesday evenings

Join us on Tuesdays to discuss what we're learning from the teachings and the study guide, “The Letters of John” by N.T. Wright. Everyone is welcome! This series is designed for all—whether you know the Bible well or are just beginning to explore its pages. Even if you think you wouldn’t have anything to add, we'd love to have you there.

Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

  • 7/9 - Chapter 1 of the Study Guide
  • 7/16 - Chapter 2  of the Study Guide
  • 7/23 - Chapter 3 of the Study Guide
  • 7/30 - Chapter 4 of the Study Guide
  • 8/6 - Chapter 5 of the Study Guide
  • 8/13 - Chapter 6 of the Study Guide
  • 8/20 - Chapter 7 of the Study Guide
  • 8/27 - Chapter 8 of the Study Guide
  • 9/3 - Chapter 9 of the Study Guide

Get the Study Guide

We will be using "The Letters of John" Study guide by N.T. Wright as we go through this series. We encourage you to get the study guide and bring it to the meetups.

Find "The Letters of John" Study guide

Can't make Tuesday evenings?

We understand that Tuesday nights might not work for everyone. So, in keeping with our summer chill vibes, we encourage you to connect with others at times that suit you. Consider meeting on Saturday mornings at a coffee shop, sharing a weekly meal, or even having a discussion by the pool.


There is no formal childcare for the meetup but if you need assistance with childcare please reach out the office.