Sponsor a shirt and a Bible.

Help us bless the Vineyard Church in Rongai, Kenya by sponsoring a t-shirt and bible.

Sponsor a Shirt and Bible

This summer we are blessing the Vineyard Church in Rongai, Kenya by donating t-shirts and bibles. The shirts will be for their church's staff and choir. The bibles will be provided for members in their native language. We are asking the members of VCC to help sponsor these items.

How can you help?

The cost to provide one bible and t-shirt is $30. We are hoping to provide 50 shirts and 50 bibles. Please pray and consider donating.

  • You can donate $30 to cover the cost of 1 bible and 1 t-shirt
  • Donate any amount you feel lead to give.

Follow Chris and David's travels on our slack channel

We've set up a slack channel so VCC can keep up with David and Chris on their trip to Kenya. Specifically we want to be praying for them; follow along to hear their prayer requests.

Vineyard Church - Rongai, Kenya

VCC is partnering with the Vineyard Church in Rongai, Kenya. This August 2024, David Stark and Chris Macky are traveling Rongai to bless and encourage the church. Learn more about our partnership.