UNLEASHED: Youth Conference 2021

Friday, May 14 - Saturday, May 15, here at VCC

"Unleashed" Vineyard Youth Conference 2021

May 14- May 15

Doors will open at 5:30pm on Friday for registration, dinner provided. 

Pick up will be 5:00pm Saturday.

$85 per person*

Registration includes all meals and snacks, t-shirt, and overnight at the church.

*ask about discounts for multiple youth in the same family

Our Conference Logo & T-shirt, brought to you by Sunday Cool


The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go." - JOHN 11:44

Here is a man that was dead (much like we are before Jesus redeems us) and is now alive and yet still needed to be released from the grave clothes (the things that keep us from full freedom and life in God). Unleashed speaks to coming into a more full understanding of our identity in Jesus, being released from every single thing that has kept us from complete freedom and healing, and being sent out as God’s agents of love and reconciliation in His world.

Keynote Speaker: Geno Olison

Geno Olison, Co-Lead Pastor, South Suburban Vineyard Church

Geno Olison is the co-lead pastor of the South Suburban Vineyard Church, a multicultural church in the south suburbs of Chicago. He is a gifted leader and communicator who has devoted his life to church planting and cross-cultural ministry. He currently serves on the National Executive Team for Vineyard USA and is helping to lead key diversity initiatives within the Vineyard. He is passionate about his wife (Shannon) and their four boys and helping people connect with Jesus and build meaningful cross-cultural relationships through the local church.

Check out some of Geno's recent sermons here. (This one is one of our favorites!)

Worship with TWO Amazing Bands!

Per our youths' requests, we'll devote a significant amount of time to quality worship to provide ample space to be loud and unleashed in God's presence, allowing Holy Spirit to touch our lives. We're super excited to bring an out-of-the-ordinary worship experience by showcasing two bands we don't normally hear on Sunday mornings!

spaghetti & meatballs

A band for our youth, by our youth. Headed up by extremely driven, 14-year-old Elijah Calvird with Tabbi Backues as the adult leader and rhythm guitar, they’ve been meeting all year to practice and come together as friends and a band. They’ve developed a range of songs and are 100% student-run from sound, to overheads, to performing.

twin rivers worship band

Led by Ben Kinsley, this amazing group of talented musicians and vocalists lead worship at the Twin Rivers SoCo location, as well as tons of conferences and retreats for other churches. 

How will the overnight work?

Our youth value SO MUCH having extended time away with their friends (“fellowship” as we like to say in church-y terms :) Our goal with this overnight is to give space and time with friends away from home and regular life to make deeper connections with each other and with God.

Here are the overnight options: you can decide what is best for your family :)

  1. Students will be split by gender into the classrooms downstairs. They will bring sleeping bags (and an air mattress if you want) and sleep in a room with only a couple other students/ leaders, maintaining at least 6’ distance all night. Masks will not be required while sleeping.
  2. Students can bring a tent, pitch it out on the lawn and sleep enclosed in their own tent. We will have an adult volunteer awake all night, walking the grounds, to make sure students are safe. 
  3. If neither of these options feels right for you, no problem! Feel free to pick up your student at the end of the night’s activities (around midnight) and drop them back off for breakfast in the morning (8:00am). 

COVID-19 Guidelines for the Conference

The following are the guidelines we will follow to best respect the CDC and St. Louis County Health Department Orders. Our goals is to provide a safe space inside the building for many to feel comfortable attending in person.

  • Groupings of chairs in the sanctuary are 6 feet apart. We will allow 2-3 students to sit together in a predesignated “pod” during the conference with a signed waiver from the students’ parents.
  • Due to the St. Louis County mask order, all attendees must wear a face mask upon entering the building (a mask will be provided for you if you don't have one), and kept on the entire time you are at the conference, with the exception of during mealtimes.
  • Per CDC advice, we ask that you not attend in-person service if you, any member of your household, or anyone you have had exposure to has tested positive for Covid-19, OR if you have any Covid-19 symptoms.
  • Cleaning of all touched surfaces, per the CDC guidelines

Still have questions?

Just reach out to Erinn Stevens, our amazing Youth Administrator! Or contact us in the office.