Women's Dinner & Social

Connect with other women for a fun night of community and dinner.

Women's Dinner & Social

Let's connect with other women for a fun night of community. Dinner and fun will be provided. Feel free to invite a friend. The VCC Women's Dinner & Social is open to all women both at church and outside of VCC.

  • Join us from 6-9PM at VCC (Vineyard Community Church2154 Dougherty Ferry Road)
  • Friday, March 11th.
  • Please RSVP by March 6th so we know how many women plan to attend.

What to bring:

You don't have to bring anything but yourself! But if you'd like to bring something anyway, here are some fun (and TOTALLY optional) ways to do so. Use the red "Sign up to bring something" button above.

Option 1: Decorate a table. Do you enjoy making beautiful centerpieces or setting a lovely table? Then, this might be for you. Bring your china, favorite paper plates, or whatever table-scape you think of for the evening.

Option 2: Bring an activity. After dinner, we plan to have various "Play Stations" for those that want to partake. Perhaps you want to bring supplies for make-up, manicures, a coloring station, etc. Let's have fun with one another.

Option 3: Make a dessert to share. Dinner will be catered in, but we would love some desserts to share at the end of the evening.