Waymakers Stuff-a-Stocking

Sign up is now closed

Stuff a Stocking for a Waymaker Friend!

Let's give some joy to our friends at the Waymakers Chapel for the Exceptional by stuffing a stocking for each of them! Sign up for a Waymaker friend on the button below and stuff your stocking in the Lobby of the church by December 11.

Sign up is now closed to allow time for staff to fill stockings for our friends remaining on the list. Contact Anna Schulte if you'd still like to help out!

  1. Sign up for a person online.
  2. Shop for your stocking stuffers
  3. Please limit gifts to $15. (We know some of you have generous hearts and want to give more than that, but please stay within the limit. Our Waymakers friends struggle with fairness when they see others opening very generous gifts)
  4. Bring in your stocking stuffer to church by December 11 and put it in their stocking on the wall in the lobby.