Summer Book Study: Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes

Join us this summer to read and discuss this book! Last meeting this Sunday!

Summer Book Study

Join Lindsay and Nathan Thomack to discuss "Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes" by E. Randolph Richards and Richard James. We will be reading through the book and meeting to talk about it on Sundays.

  • Sundays after church.
  • 1:00pm - 2:30pm
  • May 26 - July 28
  • Bring a lunch or grab one after church. We will eat together before and then have discussion. (Lunch provided for the first meeting.)

Do you remember our sermon series last year, studying Philippians together through an “us” lens, trying to peel away how we in the Western culture tend to approach scripture from a “me” perspective? We tend to ask “What does this verse mean for me?” This book takes us on that same journey to reading scripture from the perspective of the culture in which it was written to ask the questions, “What does this mean for US?” It draws us together as a community of believers vs. just a group of individuals.

Child care

(As much as possible) child care will be provided at the church. Please let us know ahead of time if your kids will be needing care.

What if I'm not much of a reader?

To get the most you can out of this discussion we recommend that you read the book before coming to each discussion. We will possibly be talking over several chapters each week. But don't let that discourage you. The book is also available on audio!

What if I can't be there every Sunday?

We know that summer is a busy time with lots of travel. It is ok to miss a few meetings and join for the ones you can. The best way to keep up will be to read the book along with us.

What about Lunch?

Bring a lunch or grab one after church. We will eat together and then begin the discussion.

Our first meeting: May 26

To get us started lunch will be provided at the first meeting. Just let us know you plan to join. More details to come.

Where can I get the book?

Amazon: Find this book on Amazon

Barnes and Noble: Find this at B&N

Audio formats:

If cost would prohibit you from purchasing this book please contact the office